The project: Well-being in nature – SELECTION ANNOUNCEMENT

The ERASMUS+ program, in order to obtain funding for some mobilities in the field of adult education.
No. of the project: 2024-1-RO01-KA122-ADU-000234621, The approved grant of the project is 46514 EURO.
The target group consists of: 12 trainers who will participate in training courses in Ireland, Italy and Turkey and 5 NEET participants, 2 of which with limited opportunities who will travel to Spain, the mobility being organized in a blending learning system.
The indirect target group consists of disadvantaged people who do not have a job, education or training.

Download Anunt-selectie_Erasmus_KA122_adulti.pdf (Erasmus KA122 adult selection announcement. Submission and appeals period, according to the attached document: 09.09.2024 – 19.09.2024)