Training programs

Stop bullying through education for democratic citizenship in schools

Education require the configuration of a model of the teaching profession

Integration of ICT tools in the educational process

The needs of Romanian education require the configuration of a model of the educational process

Management of the student class in the context of the use of interactive methods and technologies

is based on the results of the training needs analysis and educational concerns of European Union

Efficient communication and conflict mediation in the school environment

The emergence of conflicts in the school environment, regardless of their nature and protagonists

Implementation of internal managerial control standards in schools

The purpose of developing internal management and control standards is to create a tool to evaluate

Computerized secretariat and managerial communication at the school organization level

Given the dynamics of information and communication technology, the secretariat has become one of...

Expert accessing European structural and cohesion funds

The program is accredited by the ANC and offers a certificate of professional qualification

Public procurement management at the level of pre-university education units

Target group: Teaching staff, auxiliary teaching staff and teaching staff with leadership, guida ...

Public procurement expert

The program is accredited by the ANC and a certificate of professional qualification is offered

  • Competences in communication, negotiation and cultural diversity of professionals in the field of social services
  • Stop bullying through education in the social assistance system
  • Ethics and values ​​in social assistance
  • The effects of mobbing in the workplace
  • Communication and effective ways of working as a team Public integrity and legality