Computerized secretariat and managerial communication at the school organization level

“Computerized secretariat and managerial communication at the level of the school organization” – The program is accredited by ANC and a certificate of professional qualification is offered.

Given the dynamics of information and communication technology, the secretariat has become one of the most important jobs in contemporary society; the secretary has acquired multiple and complex functions and roles compared to previous decades.

In this context, we invite you to participate in the authorized course A.N.C. “Computerized secretariat and managerial communication at the level of the school organization”. The training program is addressed to the teaching and auxiliary teaching staff having the following general objectives: document administration; managing correspondence with partners; information management; preparation of activity reports; making decisions responsibly and accurately; analysis of significant information; workforce optimization; promoting initiatives; coordinating the improvement of the labor force; developing managerial communication skills.

Regitration form